Thursday, 28 May 2020

ChatPoint: 革命性的群組即時通訊及文檔共享應用程式

當您是一間企業的決策人時,您需要對生活及工作作一些調整,以了解任何時候的公司發展狀。 如您希望與員工或更高層的同事進行順暢而即時的溝通,則不應在WhatsApp或一些您無法尋回相關對話記錄的軟件中進行任何形式的非正式溝通。因此,為了讓任何人都容易使用,ChatPoint為大家推出了令人驚嘆的 協作工作平台,群組消息即時傳遞和文檔共享應用程式。這是一個結合了革命性的人工智能技術,讓用家共享及整合文檔,與員工進行交流並記錄所有內容。

ChatPoint在構建時已非常重視軟件安全性。ChatPoint被認為是最佳的 辦公室即時通訊工具,因它允許多名員工在不同地方連線,在追踪,管理及共享文件記錄各方面都沒有任何問題。 員工還可以共享高像素視頻,照片和音頻文件等。所有內容都可以快速共享,而不會遇到麻煩或干擾。用家還可以ChatPoint中管理使用者權限,或可於哪些裝置中使用。通過授予訪問權限於對您認為是對的人,使數據的安全性受到保障。您可以在ChatPoint的網站上找到免費和付費版本。您可要求試用版,並了解更多關於2個版本所提供的功能規格。

當您了解到2個版本的詳細信息後,您可要求一個針對您現時情況的報價,然後考慮最適合您的版本。 ChatPoint是最快,最簡單的 即時通訊應用程式,可讓您隨時隨地發送大量文件而無需花費大量時間。因此如您認為ChatPoint可以改變公司的工作文化並為您簡化繁複的工作,請立即聯絡了解更多。ChatPoint是一種革命性的人工智能技術,將助您決定公司的未來。

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大多數企業和公司正實行“Work from Home”的工作模式。 當然,這種工作文化有很多好處,但也有一個主要問題。就是缺少了一個即時性的消息傳遞應用程式。如您正經營一間企業,您會理解我們想帶出的意思。我們了解到,沒有什麼工作比每天瀏覽累贅的電子郵件來找特定資料更令人沮喪和費時的。而當員工於遠程工作時,溝通更變得更加困難。 但不用擔心,因為我們將為您提供了解決方案。 而為了使您和員工更輕鬆,您需要一個出色的 團隊協作工具軟件


除此之外,還有另一原因使業務消息傳遞應用程式如此受歡迎,就是實時通信。 是的,您正閱讀同樣例子。現在,您不必等待很長時間,任何時侯都可以閱讀訊息。 而當您使用消息傳遞應用程式時,它會向您顯示誰在線以及不在線,以便可以輕鬆地交流。因此,如果您認為商務消息傳遞應用程式是個好主意,建議您了解ChatPoint提供的功能。

Chatpoint是一個受人信任的消息傳遞應用程式,因為Chatpoint具有多種功能,因此很多企業都選擇使用它。 有了Chatpoint的幫助,您不僅可以與其他人溝通,而且Chatpoint還是一個很安全的 加密文檔共享 應用程式。



ChatPoint是受信任的 加密聊天 應用程式之一。

如欲了解更多, 請瀏覽

ChatPoint: Revolutionary Group Messaging and Document Sharing Application

When you are the operator of a business, you need to make several adjustments in your life to keep a track of what is going on in your company in your presence and absence. When you want your employees to havesmooth communication with the other members of the team or with higher authorities in the hierarchy, there should not be any kind of informal communication done on WhatsApp or other messengers that you can’t keep a track of. Thus, to make it easy for everyone, there are amazing collaborative work platforms for group messaging and document sharing application like ChatPointhave been introduced to the world. It is a revolutionary artificial intelligence-based technology that will allow you to share documents, organize them, communicate with your staff, and keep a track of everything. It is a very user-friendly platform that will never let you miss an update from your work end. 

ChatPoint has given enough value to the security while building this application. It is recognized as the best office instant messenger because it allows multiple employees to connect at one place, has no issues in tracing files, sharing them and organizing them. You can also sharebigger-sized videos, photos and audio files and everything is shared at a rapid speed without having any hassle or interruption. You can also have controlover who can use the application or on which mobile phone you want the application to work. This gives you the authority to keep your data safe by granting or not granting access to people you think are right or wrong for it. There is a free and paid version of the application that you can find on its website. You can ask for a demo and see the specifications of features that are offered in these two options.

Once you get details about the features, you can ask for a quotation and then consider which version of the application is most suitable for your organization. ChatPoint is the quickest and the most simple instant messaging apps for work that allows you to send across heavy files across borders without taking much time. So, if you think that this application can transform the working culture in your company and can ease out things for you, then without having any doubts in mind, enquire about it today.ChatPoint is that revolutionary artificial intelligence technology that will shape the future of the companies tomorrow. 

For more information, visit

Know How the Right Business App Can Transform Your Business

Today, most businesses and companies have adopted the “Work from Home” culture. Of course, there are so many perks of this working culture but there is this one main thing that is acting as a barrier here. It is the lack of the right kind of messaging application. If you also run a business, you would understand what we are trying to say here. We know that nothing is more frustrating and time-consuming than navigating long chains of emails everyday to find a specific message. And things get even more difficult when some of your employees are working remotely. But don’t worry because we have got a solution for you. To make things easier for you and your employees, you should use the best teamwork collaboration tool.

If you do want communication gap to create a multitude of problems in the efficiency of your employees, you should install the right kind of messaging app that can increase the efficiency of your business. The most interesting thing about using an instant messaging app is that it helps you stay in touch with your staff no matter where you are. So, now stop worrying about how far you or your employees are and start focusing on improving the productivity and efficiency of your business. 

Besides this, there is one more thing that is making business messaging apps so popular. And that is real-time communication. Yes, you have read it right. Now you don’t have to wait for a long time for anyone to read the message. Because when you are using a messaging app, it shows you who is online and who is not so that you can easily communicate with them. So, if you think that a business messaging app is a good idea, you are advised tocheck out the features of ChatPoint.

It is a trusted messaging app that is used by a lot of people because this application comes with multiple features. With the help of this application not just can you chat with other people but it is also a great encrypted document sharing app.

ChatPoint also allows you to create groups & folders, manage internal & external users, has a historical accessibility option, helps manage the disk space of users and also helps you remove any of the group members. So, if you like the features of ChatPoint, you should visit its website to know more about this application. 

About ChatPoint:

ChatPoint is one of the trusted encrypted chat app that you can install. 

For more details, visit